Remote working is now a new normal for many of us. A lot has been written about the benefits and challenges of remote working - being distanced from colleagues, lack of casual interaction and the practical issues of adapting to a non-office work environment.

While modern communications platforms and tools can help with some of these issues, remote working presents a unique challenge for training.

Training touches on most business functions and is vital for onboarding new team members and keeping existing employees up-to-date with best practices, changes in business and the surrounding processes. Most companies have deployed online learning platforms that provide theory and even some limited interaction through video, however, physical interaction is often required to effectively implement training and apply it in real-world scenarios.

This is usually addressed through training programs, delivered by centralised training centres in a classroom environment, where groups of employees periodically gather for group training with a teacher or mentor.

For many companies, providing this training is proving increasingly difficult or simply no longer viable with limited travel capabilities, restricted numbers of attendees and the general business disruption that comes with repeatedly allocating resources and time.


VR training uses low-cost VR headsets to deliver training remotely. The advancements in VR headsets means for less than the cost of a typical domestic flight, employees can be equipped with their own VR headset providing unlimited access to fresh and engaging VR training content. The training scenarios can re-use existing 3D models and digital assets to accurately recreate work environments, complete with immersive interactions. The learn-by-doing made possible with VR training is delivering significant benefits including 83% higher engagement and 4x faster learning in contrast to traditional training.

Beyond some of the most immediate business benefits, such as reduced travel costs and unlimited scalability, VR training is helping remote workers in other more subtle ways.


Typically access to training facilities and hardware is limited by time and availability. VR training removes physical time constraints and by providing accurate virtual training scenarios, gives participants unlimited access to repeat training exercises. Important to consider is that VR training participants are 3.75x more emotionally connected than those training in a classroom setting suggesting that VR training makes the learning process more enjoyable.


One of the most appreciated aspects of remote working is the flexibility it affords. VR training starts when you put on a VR headset providing instant access to learn or refresh skills at will. By decentralising training and eliminating travel, time spent on training can be planned around other activities.


Through a combination of connected VR headsets and the ability to distribute VR training content, employees can bring training with them. Instant access to untethered and up-to-date training promotes a more dynamic and mobile way of working. From anywhere in the world, employees can participate in virtual training scenarios, even working collaboratively with colleagues to perform tasks and procedures using natural hand interaction.

VR training can both smooth the transition to remote working but also radically improve the quality and real-world application of training. VR training participants report a massive 275% increase in confidence to apply the knowledge learned during VR training making for safer and more efficient businesses.

Thomas Bailey
March 7, 2023